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Pays : England Genre : Folk / Celtique Dates : 1989 URL : cliquez ici
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1988 - David Fitzgerald, on a trip to Lindisfarne (shown above) is 'overwhelmed by the sense of history and atmosphere on that Holy Island'. He wrote in his diary 'I sense an incredible feeling of unity with the previous inhabitants. I am challenged by the lives of these early saints and our 1980's materialistic interpretation of Christianity. We certainly seem to have lost a lot of inner peace and serenity that this place echoes. I feel personally too locked into the cares of this earthly life; a life that centres itself on money, work, career, status and other material things - almost a slave to them'. David was affected deeply by his experience and looking more deeply at the source of inspiration of Lindisfarne, traced it back to Iona. The source of Christianity in this country came largely from this beautiful isle, shedding light on much of pagan Britain. Columba sailed to Iona from Ireland in AD563 and set up a monastery which became a missionary base from which Christianity spread throughout Scotland and northern Britain. Thus the idea of Iona the band was formed as David shared his experiences with Dave Bainbridge, and the two suddenly had a focus for music for the band they had been thinking of getting together. 1989 - June - Iona's debut gig at Thurston Upper School, Suffolk, England. Promoted by Paul Heffer. David Fitzgerald: saxes/flutes/recorder/tin whistle. Dave Bainbridge: keyboards/electric guitar. Caroline Bonnett: support. July - The two Daves spend a few days on Iona. August - First gig with Joanne on the fringe at Greenbelt Festival, Northants, England. David Fitzgerald: saxes/flutes/recorder/tin whistle. Dave Bainbridge: keyboards/electric guitar. Joanne Hogg: vocal/keyboard. 1990 - March - Recording of debut album. David Fitzgerald: saxes/flutes/recorder/tin whistle. Dave Bainbridge: keyboards/electric guitar. Joanne Hogg: vocal/key ...
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