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News de Kayak
Titre : Kayak perd Bert Source / Auteur : AmarokProg Date : 23/01/2006 Nb consultation : 1916
L'annonce vient de tomber : Bert Heerink quitte KAYAK. Voici l'annonce officielle publiée sur le site du groupe :
"Bert will be too busy with his Queen in Concert tour together with the Dutch Airforce Orchestra, and with his party band Het Dak Eraf. 'We are somewhat surprised', says keyboardist and main composer Ton Scherpenzeel. 'He, nor his manager have ever said a word about any such developments and suddenly we're informed about his departure on his website. We were working on plans to record the Nostradamus DVD, and we have kept some dates open, just like Bert has, as far as we know. This week we would finally make things definite. Since this is all the work Kayak has planned for the next six months, I don't quite understand the problem. Changes in the band's line-up have made it inevitable for Kayak to cancel video live recordings of the 'Nostradamus' show. "How sad to be forced to cancel the DVD", says Ton Scherpenzeel. "Since a reprisal isn't feasible we now prefer to devote our time and energy to a new endeavour to take place in 2006 and later. But who knows, maybe one day a new, good Nostradamus character will cross our path so we can embark on the show once more." 'Anyway, I wish him all the best with whatever keeps him too busy to remain involved with Kayak. This, of course, is not the end of Kayak. Kayak has developed into a project, in which a considerable number of great vocalists and instrumentalists take part. Bert is a good singer, absolutely, but we're lucky to have some other excellent singers still with us."
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