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News de Jon Anderson
Titre : Jon Anderson au boulot Source / Auteur : AmarokProg Date : 12/12/2007 Nb consultation : 2860
JON ANDERSON revient en force avec pas mal de projets dans sa musette dont les rééditions de plusieurs albums chez Voiceprint :
"After countless years of absence from the market, Jon Andersons renowned 3 Ships is back and "better than ever". Voiceprint is releasing a new, re-mastered 22nd Anniversary Edition which contains all of the albums original tracks, as well as 5 bonus tracks, 2 of which are previously unreleased.
The album will be released as a standard edition or a highly limited (500 copies only) edition:
A special 500 only limited edition of this album comes with a personal autograph from Jon, as well as a set of five beautiful Holiday cards printed on high quality heavy weight card stock and complete with matching envelopes. Each card displays a vibrant image of an authentic Jon Anderson watercolor painting set against a beautiful background. One of cards is chosen especially for you, the buyer and each of the other 4 have been left blank so you can add your own personal note to that special someone. Dont miss this rare opportunity; be sure to order your special edition copy of 3 Ships today.
Two more currently out of print Jon Anderson albums are slated to be reissued by Voiceprint: Toltec and The Promise Ring.
Toltec originally released in early 1996 is a concept album made up of 13 cuts divided into three parts. It tells the tale of the Toltec, a Native American concept of a group of people who have been all over the Earth, existing within different cultures throughout the centuries. This edition of Toltec also includes a bonus track which will be the seventeen minute version of Long Walker.
The second album due for reissue is The Promise Ring which was originally released in 1997 and has a Celtic feel where Jon Anderson delves into his own heritage for a thrilling celebration of traditional Irish and Celtic melodies singing his own lyrics to the joyous, percussive sounds of multiple fiddles, pennywhistles, and mandolins. Both albums are highly regarded by the massive Jon Anderson fan base and the reissue of these out of print albums will be widely anticipated."
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