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News de Jon Anderson
Titre : Jon Anderson fait suite... Source / Auteur : AmarokProg Date : 05/01/2013 Nb consultation : 2300
JON ANDERSON travaille en ce moment à une suite de son fameux premier album solo "Olias Of Sunhillow" sorti en 1976. L'album s'intitule provisoirement "The Songs of Zamran: Son of Olias" et l'histoire semble enfin écrite (après cinq tentatives).
Pour mémoire, Olias of Sunhillow avait marqué un tournant dans la carrière de Jon Anderson :
I locked myself away and went crazy out of my brain. If you go to do a solo album you should be by yourself. Thats what I was thinking. I had all the instruments I was going to use like sitar and drums and things. It came out the other end four months later and for the first time I put musician on my passport knowing that I was a musician.
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